Weird Realm
A World of Strangeness
weird (wîrd), adj., 1. Of, relating to, or suggestive
of the preternatural or supernatural,
2. Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
realm (rlm), n. 1. A community or territory
over which a sovereign rules; a kingdom.
2. A field, sphere, or province: the realm of science.
This site is dedicated to all things bizarre, strange, weird, outlandish, macabre, or just plain silly.
- Weird Games
- Weird Sites
- UFOs
- Conspiracies
- High Weirdness
- Alternate History
- Weird Mysteries
- Weird Religions
- Weird Government
- Weird News
- Weird TV
- Weird Movies
- Weird Books
- Weird Humor