Map and Gazetteer of Lorimyr

Map of Lorimyr

Map of Lorimyr

Gazetteer of Lorimyr

This city-state is the location of the Multiversity, the most renowned college of magic on the map.
This island is an ancient volcanic caldera with a ring of formidable mountains and is the Elvish homeland.
This Celtic-style nation inhabits the forests north of Mordantia.
This large active volcano is the center of an ancient asteroid strike. The ring of islands around Firefount, including Braefire, was created by the impact.
A group of republican city-states combined to form this nation. Its government is a vast bureaucracy. Two city-states, Colunarum and Kivas, remain independent.
Nordrish raiders settled this region as an advanced base to raid against Hysander a hundred years ago. Autocrats govern it.
The priests of Hebbe, an Underworld God, rule this nation harshly.
A council of feudal lords has ruled this nation for the last two hundred years, when the king and his entire family died. They have never been able to select one of their own to replace him.
Refugees from Hobrick settled this kingdom after a civil war two hundred years ago. They have been engaged in a war with Glenover off and on (currently on) since then.
Skyorans settled this island. They broke away from Skyora three hundred years ago.
The brother of the Emperor of Mordantia founded this feudal kingdom 250 years ago after being exiled following an attempt to usurp the throne. This country is also spelled Ellyria, due to differences in langauge.
This empire dominates the largest continent on the map. This country is also known as Karista, after its first king.
Horse nomads inhabit this windswept region. A single trade city at the edge of the cold desert is their only urban area.
This Nordic-style nation was the source of raiding parties in long boats a hundred years ago.
Realms of the Sea Kings
The Sea Kings, a confederation of mariners, inhabit these islands.
Mages rule this feudal kingdom. Social rank is determined by magical duels.
This remote port is home to a wretched bunch of pirates. Think of it as a fantasy version of Port Royale.