Goadred started as a man-at-arms in livery of Sir Casper, a landed knight in Keoland. Sir Casper was admitted as a Knight of the Watch, a military fighting order; Goadred was admitted as one of his men-at-arms. After many campaigns during the Greyhawk War and particularly outstanding service, Goadred was raised to a full Knight of the Watch. Casper was killed in the destruction of Istivin. Goadred was attending to a family matter at the time and was not present. He greatly mourned the loss of his friend.
Goadred often spends time in the field, searching out wrongs that need righting. His knowledge of woodcraft, cooking and fishing is from many nights camping under the stars. He searches for clues to what happened at Istivin. If he finds out who killed Sir Casper, he will seek them out to bring them to justice. Goadred likes the ladies; he currently satisfies himself with servants and wenches. His randiness earned him the epithet 'The Lustful' when he was a man-at-arms, but if he hears that now, he would be very angry.
Knight of the Watch, 6'4", 210 lbs., Age: 20
Appearance: blonde hair (knight's bowl cut), large blue eyes, fair skin, preoccupied expression, left handed.
Father was man-at-arms in livery, mother is dead, younger brother (18), born on March 6th
Equipment on horse:
saddle, saddlebags, tent, blanket, lance, morningstar, provisions, clothes, first aid kit, whetstone, money (60 silver, 166 copper)
5 silver
tobacco, pipe, personal basics
Carried on person (94 lbs.):
armor, shield, cloak, broadsword, dagger, pouch